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Revista mexicana de ciencias pecuarias
versión On-line ISSN 2448-6698versión impresa ISSN 2007-1124
CHAY-CANUL, Alfonso J. et al. The effects of metabolizable energy intake on carcass energy content in Pelibuey sheep. Rev. mex. de cienc. pecuarias [online]. 2017, vol.8, n.1, pp.93-99. ISSN 2448-6698.
An evaluation was done of the effect of metabolizable energy intake (MEI) on carcass energy content in Pelibuey sheep. Twenty-four (24) sheep (37.2±4.0 kg live weight; 2.5±0.12 body condition) were randomly assigned to four groups of six animals each. To establish reference data, one group was killed as the experiment began. The remaining three groups were assigned to one of three MEI levels for 65 d: low (L), 0.247 MJ/kgLW0.75/d; medium (M) 0.472 MJ/kgLW0.75/d; or high (H) 0.532 MJ/kgLW0.75/d. After the experimental period, the animals were killed and each carcass divided longitudinally in half: the left half was dissected into fat, muscle and bone components. Carcass energy content decreased by 55 % in the L treatment, and by 26 % in the M treatment. However, it increased by 14 % in the H treatment. Daily changes in carcass energy content were -1.099 MJ/d in the L treatment, -0.515 MJ/d in the M treatment and 0.285 in the H treatment. Energy stored in fat was 76 % in L, 68 % in M and 65 % in H, while energy stored in muscle was 24 % in L, 32 % in M and 35 % in H. Under conditions of severe undernourishment, Pelibuey sheep lose approximately 55 % of carcass energy content.
Palabras llave : Pelibuey sheep; Carcass composition; Carcass energy; Body condition.