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Revista mexicana de urología

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4085versión impresa ISSN 0185-4542


GUZMAN, Natalia  y  GARCIA-PERDOMO, Herney Andrés. Novelties in the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infection in adults. Rev. mex. urol. [online]. 2020, vol.80, n.1, e06.  Epub 17-Ene-2022. ISSN 2007-4085.

Summary description of the topic:

Urinary tract infections (UTIS) encompass any infection that involves the urinary tract. It is a frequent pathology in the hospitalization and outpatient services, which makes it essential to have knowledge of the risk groups, the causality, to offer prevention in patients who require it, follow-up protocols, understand who really requires extension studies and measures more specialized


Being such a common clinical condition, it is not enough to achieve identification and treatment, but it is mandatory for health personnel to be aware of the conditions that require special care and timely treatments. In cases where it can be handled more specifically, it should be very reasonable with antibiotic treatments to avoid antimicrobial resistance.


The UTIS has high costs dedicated to initial management and complications. The new diagnostic methods will be of vital importance in their management, as they can offer therapies directed to the pathogen in a more timely manner and avoid the antimicrobial resistance that is one of the great conflicts today. The new medications may offer more accurate management in cases of multiple antimicrobial resistance.

Palabras llave : urinary tract infection; UTI; complicated UTI; uncomplicated UTI; pyelonephritis; antibiotic therapy.

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