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Botanical Sciences

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4476versión impresa ISSN 2007-4298


PALMAROLA, Alejandro et al. Distribution and conservation of Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) in Cuba. Bot. sci [online]. 2022, vol.100, n.2, pp.300-313.  Epub 22-Mar-2022. ISSN 2007-4476.


Most of the assessments of the conservation status of Magnoliaceae taxa in Cuba have been based on inferences about their distribution and population sizes. However, these investigations have focused on one taxon or subsection.


How are native Magnoliaceae taxa distributed in Cuba? What is the current state of conservation?

Study species:

Six native species of Magnoliaceae

Site and years of study:

Cuba, 1884-2020.


3,481 points of presence were used. From the coordinates of each taxon, the real distribution was mapped, the plant formation, altitude and protected area where they were located was recorded, the extension of presence, the area of occupation and the density were calculated. The conservation status of the taxa was summarized from their current categorizations.


Magnoliaceae in Cuba is distributed at high average altitudes in the Guamuhaya, Sierra Maestra and Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa mountain ranges, mainly associated with evergreen forests; with the exception of Magnolia virginiana subsp. oviedoae found at sea level and in swamp vegetation. A great representativeness was found in protected areas. All Cuban magnolias are threatened, mainly due to logging, habitat modification due to the presence of invasive alien species and the existence of forest plantations.


In general, the distribution patterns respond to what has been described for the genus in Cuba and the Caribbean. With the exception of Magnolia minor, the threat categories for Cuban magnolias changed with respect to the previous categorizations.

Palabras llave : actual distribution; threatened species; magnolias.

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