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RIDE. Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo
versión On-line ISSN 2007-7467
BENITEZ PEREZ, Alma Alicia; GARCIA RODRIGUEZ, Martha Leticia y FLORES CERVANTES, Claudia. Approach to the comprehension of texts in the resolution of problems in mathematics considering the inductive and deductive processes: the case of Bobby. RIDE. Rev. Iberoam. Investig. Desarro. Educ [online]. 2023, vol.13, n.26, e021. Epub 28-Ago-2023. ISSN 2007-7467.
Literature in mathematics education shows that the ability to solve problems in this field is closely related to a student's understanding of text and prior knowledge. Moreover, it has been identified that even if a student seems experienced in reading various texts, it does not guarantee comprehension. Therefore, the aim of this research was to analyze the processes of text comprehension in mathematical problems that involve text in a 15-year-old student during a high school algebra course. Theoretical elements were used to identify the components of these processes, particularly the operations of segmentation and recontextualization in the underlying inductive, deductive, and evolutionary processes of the studied phenomenon.
The methodology used was qualitative, and the case study method was employed. The selected student demonstrated commitment and availability to explore activities involving text comprehension. The data collection instruments included worksheets, written reports, and a semi-structured interview.
Based on the analysis of the collected data, it was identified that the student's work was initially characterized by the exploration of the textual content based on the inductive process of comprehension, from which implicit and explicit text units were identified. In the deductive process, it was observed that the student worked in relation to the meaning of fractions as part-whole and as a comparative index between two quantities or sets of units. Additionally, it was emphasized that understanding fractions as ratios allows for the demonstration of comparison.
Palabras llave : textual comprehension; fundamental operations; deductive; inductive.