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Ecosistemas y recursos agropecuarios

versión On-line ISSN 2007-901Xversión impresa ISSN 2007-9028


MUNOZ-OSORIO, Germani Adrián et al. Technologies and strategies for improving hair lamb fattening systems in tropical regions: a review. Ecosistemas y recur. agropecuarios [online]. 2016, vol.3, n.8, pp.267-277. ISSN 2007-901X.

This paper addresses a literature review of lamb fattening systems in tropical regions of Mexico and other countries. In semi-intensive systems, lamb feeding is based on grasslands, and supplementation may or may not be offered; in intensive systems, lamb feeding is based on concentrated feeds. Local fodder resources could be a viable option for lamb fattening due to their low cost and the better quality and healthy meat resulting from this feeding strategy. It is suggested that further evaluations of tropical fodder resources be developed, focusing on nutritional quality, availability and possible use. Several hair sheep breeds (Pelibuey, BlackBelly, Katahdin and Dorper and their crossbreeds) have been investigated under those systems. However, there remains a lack of definition on which could be the most suitable Cross-breeding strategy in different regions of the country. The raised slatted-floor cages used in intensive lamb fattening systems were just recently introduced in Mexico, and hence, there is no scientific evidence regarding their productive and economic evaluation. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen knowledge and generate technology with precise goals and objectives. By doing so, it is possible to deliver technological options with strong scientific bases that are economically viable, socially equitably and ecologically acceptable.

Palabras llave : Sheep; feeding resources; genetic resources; profitability; raised slatted floor cages.

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