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vol.41 número102Género y desarrollo industrial: introducción al número especialAutopercepción femenina y percepción masculina sobre el empoderamiento y el trabajo de mujeres productoras de mezcal y mezcales de sabores en Santiago Zoochila, Oaxaca, México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de economía

versión On-line ISSN 2395-8715


GARRIDO LASTRA, María Isabel  y  TAPIA MARCHINA, Stefanía. Educational and labor scenarios for the relocation of the semiconductor industry in Mexico. A regional analysis from a gender perspectiveMexico. perspective. Rev. econ. [online]. 2024, vol.41, n.102, pp.6-30.  Epub 21-Jun-2024. ISSN 2395-8715.

This article examines, from a gender perspective, the potential impacts on the labor market of the semiconductor industry in Mexico induced by its relocation policy, given the global semiconductor supply crisis. It considers the current gender gaps in employment between women and men by economic sector, as well as the regional disparities between the demand for specialized labor in the manufacturing industry and the educational supply. To achieve this, the current trends in personnel employed in semiconductor-related economic sectors are contrasted with enrollment and graduation rates in specialized fields of study among women and men, as well as among different regions of the country. It is observed that, although the policy aims to improve the semiconductor industry, create jobs, and promote economic growth, it has the potential to reinforce gender and regional disparities. Therefore, the need to consider these inequalities in the design and evaluation of Mexico's industrial policy is emphasized.

Palabras llave : semiconductor industry; nearshoring; labor markets; higher education; gender perspective; J16; J23; I25; L63; O14.

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