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vol.10Maneras de ser y sentir. Una aproximación a la subjetividad de trabajadoras profesionales madresCambios en las políticas sobre cuidados y familiarización del trabajo de cuidados en México de 2018 a 2023 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista interdisciplinaria de estudios de género de El Colegio de México

versión On-line ISSN 2395-9185


ROMERO GARCIA, Velvet. “I want this song, play me this song”. Corporeal-sensitive experiences of health personnel in the accompaniment of pain and suffering during Covid 19. Rev. interdiscip. estud. género Col. Méx. [online]. 2024, vol.10, e1117.  Epub 05-Ago-2024. ISSN 2395-9185.

This text intends to analyze the ways in which health personnel did or did not accompany the suffering and pain of people sick with Covid. Considering that both hospital spaces and the attention emanating from the staff are highly “sensory”, the aim is to understand how touch, hearing or sight played an essential role in health care. Because the pandemic meant a change in the way care was provided, since it implied the mandatory use of protective equipment that limited sensory, we attempted to explore the bodily and sensory strategies that staff had to develop to carry out their job. Considering that most of the care work is carried out by women (nurses, psychologist, social workers), we try to reflect on the ways in which this work is linked to gender stereotypes that impel them to care sensorially and emotionally. Through a series of interviews with personnel who worked in both public and private institutions located -primarily- in the states of central Mexico and who worked in hospital spaces during the pandemic, it was possible to observe how regimes of insensitivity were established in the face of the pain of the Other, but it was also possible to appreciate a multiplicity of ethical responses to suffering, which were highly sensory and emotional.

Palabras llave : healthcare; Covid-19; gender; emotions, care.

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