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vol.5 número14La regulación de los derechos y obligaciones de carácter no patrimoniales entre los cónyuges en la jurisprudencia española, colombiana y lituanaUna mirada a la tercerización en Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Derecho global. Estudios sobre derecho y justicia

versión On-line ISSN 2448-5136versión impresa ISSN 2448-5128


NIETO BRAVO, Johan Andrés  y  CARVAJAL-ESPANA, Edwin. Criticism of equal contractualism as a cause of sexual exclusion in the Colombian school. Derecho glob. Estud. sobre derecho justicia [online]. 2020, vol.5, n.14, pp.47-77.  Epub 28-Ago-2020. ISSN 2448-5136.

Sex discrimination in classrooms is a phenomenon that has been addressed in Colombia from different fields of knowledge, as well as by the country’s jurisprudence through the issuance of laws and regulations that protect sexual minorities, however, despite to the studies carried out and the laws promulgated, the situation of the members of the lgbtiq community in the school institutions of the country is maintained due to the collective social imaginary and to the political gaps left by the equal and contractual contractualism in the consolidation of the State. For this reason, this article of theoretical reflection seeks a new paradigm that allows the configuration of inclusive, equitable and fair societies, where the human capacities and particularities of each subject are taken into account from a differential perspective.

Palabras llave : Sexual discrimination; equality; contractualism; diversity; inclusion; school; abilities.

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