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vol.9 número25La pugna por un modelo multidisciplinar del alcoholismo en México. Expertos, definiciones y redes institucionales, 1950-1985Modelación de la mortalidad en México 2000-2015 utilizando distribuciones tipo fase índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Inter disciplina

versión On-line ISSN 2448-5705versión impresa ISSN 2395-969X


REPETTO, Lorena et al. Network analysis for interdisciplinary groups: a case study of Espacio Interdisciplinario of Universidad de la República (Udelar, Uruguay). Inter disciplina [online]. 2021, vol.9, n.25, pp.285-303.  Epub 22-Nov-2021. ISSN 2448-5705.

This paper presents some results of an analysis of the networks of academics of the Espacio Interdisciplinario (EI ), with the aim of contributing to the discussion about the value of collaborative networks in academic contexts. Since 2009, more than 650 teachers and researchers have participated in the Programs of Nucleus and Interdisciplinary Centers of the EI. In this sense, it is argued that an analysis of interdisciplinary networks allows knowing the links between groups and members, and thus knowing the potential of these programs as an instrument for dissemination of interdiscipline.

Palabras llave : network analysis; interdisciplinary; Uruguay.

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