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Connotas. Revista de crítica y teoría literarias

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6019versión impresa ISSN 1870-6630


VAZQUEZ HERNANDEZ, Irán. Panegyric, deliberative and judicial: a reading of the “Discurso por Virgilio” of Alfonso Reyes. Connotas. Rev. crit. teór. lit. [online]. 2023, n.27, pp.141-164.  Epub 28-Oct-2024. ISSN 2448-6019.

In 1931 Alfonso Reyes published “Discurso por Virgilio” in the magazine Contemporáneos. Literary criticism has dedicated several pages to its study; however, it Alfonso Reye’s text still has something to tell us. The aim of this article is to make a critical approach to “Discurso por Virgilio” from the perspective of classical rhetoric. To this end, I base my work mainly on the classification of discursive genres into genus demostrativum or epidictic discourse, genus deliberativum or deliberative discourse and genus iudiciale or judicial discourse. With this, I intend to delve into the meaning and pragmatics of “Discurso por Virgilio”, placing it in three different levels of understanding: 1) as a praise to the work and figure of Virgil; 2) as an educational and cultural political proposal in a nationalist environment; and 3) as a defense in favor of the work of Alfonso Reyes and of the humanities in general.

Palabras llave : rhetoric; speech; nationalism; humanities; education.

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