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vol.32 número81Un análisis dinámico de los impulsos de oferta y demanda en Puerto Rico y la política monetaria de Estados Unidos utilizando la descomposición estructural Blanchard-QuahTrans Pacific Partnership y globalización. ¿Quién tendría ganancias en eficiencia técnica? índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Análisis económico

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6655versión impresa ISSN 0185-3937


PELAEZ HERREROS, Óscar. Convergence-divergence in the Marginalization Index variables, 1970-2015. Anál. econ. [online]. 2017, vol.32, n.81, pp.31-48. ISSN 2448-6655.

The objective of this paper is to test if the states with greater lags in the variables that compose the Marginalization Index reduced the distance with the more advanced states (convergence) or if, on the contrary, their gaps were widened (divergence) during the period 1970-2015.With this purpose, we estimate β-convergence models using cross-sectional data for the entire period and different subperiods. We also estimate panel data models and test their characteristics.The results show interregional divergence for the variables included in the education and housing dimensions of the Marginalization Index. At most, convergence is characteristic of only two of the nine index variables:the percentages of population in localities with less than 5,000 inhabitants, and of employees with incomes of up to 2 minimum wages.

Palabras llave : H75; I31; O11; R11; divergence; welfare indicators; panel data.

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