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Letras históricas

versión On-line ISSN 2448-8372versión impresa ISSN 2007-1140


MORALES JASSO, Gerardo  y  MARQUEZ MIRELES, Leonardo Ernesto. Being and should be of Environmental History. Move from paradigmatical dispersion to the scientific revolution and decolonization?. Let. hist. [online]. 2020, n.23, pp.247-275.  Epub 04-Mayo-2021. ISSN 2448-8372.

The objective of this text is to show the paradigmatic dispersion of environmental history and how this situation generates epistemic tensions based on the immeasurability of ontologies to which the environmental historian appeals and, through comparisons between positionings, the article alerts to the environmental historian upon the characterizations of their discipline that confuses the theory of environmental history with the horizon of expectations of environmental historians. With this in mind, the text generates proposals for environmental history to concretize the scientific revolution that constitutes it.

Palabras llave : Ontology; epistemology; dualism; monism; systemism.

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