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Ensayos. Revista de economía

versión On-line ISSN 2448-8402


CENTENO CRUZ, Lillian Marlen; CAMPOY MUNOZ, Pilar  y  ANGELES CASTRO, Gerardo. Economic impact assessment of alternative investment scenarios for pension funds in Mexico. Ens. Rev. econ. [online]. 2019, vol.38, n.1, pp.87-134. ISSN 2448-8402.

Nowadays, the pension system in Mexico, based on the Mexican Social Security Institute Law of 1997, does not comply with the expected coverage rate, which causes the impoverishment of the retired population. This situation is expected to worsen because workers can´t contribute enough to their own savings accounts within the current system. The present research contributes to the debate on the reforms of the pension system through the evaluation of alternative scenarios for the investment of pension funds. These scenarios are generated through the structural analysis of the Mexican economy, based on the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) called SAMMEX-12. Next, a linear model MCS is used to carry out an economic impact assessment, which allows evaluating these scenarios in terms of production, GDP and employment.

Palabras llave : SAM Linear Model; Retirement Plans and Private Pensions; D57; D58; J32.

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