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Gaceta mexicana de oncología

versión On-line ISSN 2565-005Xversión impresa ISSN 1665-9201


GARCIA-REYES, Mayra; CRUZ-MARTINEZ, Alejandra  y  FIGUEROLA-ESCOTO, Rosa P.. Behavioral activation and mindfulness in the pain experience of women with breast cancer. Gac. mex. oncol. [online]. 2024, vol.23, n.1, pp.3-12.  Epub 14-Mayo-2024. ISSN 2565-005X.


Cancer-related pain is a multifactorial experience than can affect adherence to treatment and generate psychological discomfort. Psychological treatments constantly applied seek to reduce such discomfort without considering the adaptive needs of people with cancer. It is necessary to implement effective psychological interventions in the process of adaptation to this experience.


To compare the effectiveness of two remote psychological interventions (behavioral activation and mindfulness) in the experience of pain in women with breast cancer.


Quasi-experimental study with pre- and post-treatment measures through of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory.


With significant differences (p < 0.05) and large effect size (η2 > 0.14), behavioral activation had an effect on 7 factors of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory, while mindfulness had an effect on three factors.


Behavioral activation was superior to mindfulness regarding the effect it had on factors of the pain experience of women with breast cancer.

Palabras llave : Cancer pain experience; Breast cancer; Remote psychological intervention; Behavioral activation; Mindfulness.

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