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vol.12 número1Para que la cuña apriete. Castigos y recompensas a menores como parte de las prácticas educativas. Querétaro (1950-1960) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Debates por la historia

versión On-line ISSN 2594-2956


CAMACHO SANDOVAL, Salvador  y  LEGASPI LOZANO, Mayela. Debates on Sexual Education and Teacher Training in Normal Schools Today. Debates hist. [online]. 2024, vol.12, n.1, pp.213-235.  Epub 24-Mayo-2024. ISSN 2594-2956.

This paper aims to analyze the contemporary debate on sexuality education, taking as reference free government textbooks and the curriculum of Normal education. From a qualitative perspective and through a synthetic, analytical process, books, articles, conference papers, and primary sources were examined. Results show that textbooks, as an instrument of educational policy, have been subject to rejection by various political and social actors. The curriculum for Normal education has considered sexuality education intermittently, with perspectives ranging from merely biological to more comprehensive approaches. It is concluded that sexuality education is a right of girls, boys, and teenagers. A possible route for addressing this is to strengthen the capacities of teacher trainers in the field of sexuality education so that future teachers who graduate from Normal schools have the tools to support their students.

Palabras llave : Sexuality education; Normal Education; Textbooks.

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