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vol.35 número131Inmovilidad, miedo e incertidumbre: brasileños en Italia (y Europa) durante la pandemia de covid-19, 2020-2021Sensibilidad de la segregación socioespacial a la metropolización: un estudio sobre la dimensión espacial de la segregación en la zona metropolitana de Bogotá, Colombia índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Carta económica regional

versión On-line ISSN 2683-2852versión impresa ISSN 0187-7674


FRESNEDA CAMACHO, Edel J.. Migration and vulnerability in the Caribbean: the cases of Cuba and Haiti. Carta econ. reg. [online]. 2023, vol.35, n.131, pp.101-128.  Epub 01-Oct-2024. ISSN 2683-2852.

This article examines recent migrations by Haitians and Cubans, with their differences and analogies, in order to address their links to a process of unequal development in the Caribbean, from which directly or partially marginalized human diasporas have emerged. These diasporas transit through the Latin American South as a consequence of the reproduction of vulnerability. The correlation of the vulnerability and its dispersion across nations is implicit in the theory used here, and makes it possible to explore “transiting” as a stage in the migratory cycle, something that has not often been considered in previous theoretical viewpoints. At the same time, the approach adopted here makes it possible to understand the causality behind the undocumented mobility of these migrations to the North; during which the migrants face particular obstacles that constrain both their reintegration, and any effective management of the transnational migration.

Palabras llave : transnational dispersion of vulnerability; Haiti; Cuba; migration.

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