ISSN 1405-1435
versión impresa



Guidelines for presenting manuscripts:

General Guidelines

1. All the articles submitted for possible publication shall be eminently academic. Due to the nature of journal journalistic or general opinions on any subject will not be accepted.

2. Articles should be original and not have been previously published, nor being submitted to any other publication.

3. Works written in Spanish and English are accepted.

4. One same author cannot publish more than one article per number, nor can they publish more than once over two years.

5. Each issue of the journal will be composed of 9 articles whose review process must have been approved at the time of the publication's edition closing date. However, in order to have better thematic structure in each issue, Convergencia reserves the right to delay or advance the publication of the accepted articles.


6. The title must appear in the first page of the article as well as the author(s)' name; ORCID ID, institution, country and e-mail.

7. Works by four authors at most will be accepted, with an extension between 15 and 25 pages including graphs, tables, footnotes, and references –only those cited in the text– letter size, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman, 12 points.

8. The manuscript must include an introduction (that clearly defines the background of the work and the objectives of the research), development (showing methodology, results and limitations) and a conclusion.

9. Epigraphs shall not be accepted at the beginning of the work.

10. The author is allowed to mention the origin of any economic support and acknowledgements deemed necessary in a footnote in the introduction part.

11. Acronyms must be given in full the first time they appear in the text, in the references, tables and graphs. For example, the first time it must be written: World Health Organization, and then: WHO.

12. Manuscripts must include a descriptive title in Spanish and in English as well, preferably brief (no more than 12 words), it must clearly express the content of the article.

13. It is strictly necessary to provide an abstract between 100 and 150 words, as well as providing 5 key words, in Spanish and English. Such abstract must contain the following information: goals, methodology, results and a preview of findings without including citations.

14. Titles and subtitles shall be differenced, therefore it is recommended using decimal numbering.

15. At the end of the article the author must include a brief résumé, with the following: highest degree, institution and department where they work, country, areas of research, full reference of three of their latest publications and e-mail.

16. Footnotes should only be used to explain or clarify, that is, to broaden or specify what is expressed in the text rather than including bibliography, since the section of references must be used for this.

17. The editorial committee of the journal reserves the right to make any style and editorial amendments which it deems necessary in order to improve the work.

Tables and figures

18. Only the necessary figures (maps, charts, tables and graphs) should be included and they are to be understood without resorting to the text. They are to be added at the bottom of the text, with a title and their source. There should be indications in the text that such figures are found at the end of it. It is important that all figures are sent in a different file and in an editable format.

19. Images (maps, figures) must be in jpg format without any sort of highlights or textures. Diagrams or figures must not be copied from the internet. In case of images with data, numbers and/or text, they shall be sent in the original format in which they were created, Microsoft Word or Excel. In the case of tables and charts, it is recommended that information is as concise as possible. There is no restriction to attach color images as well as audiovisual material, they should include the license to use such material.

20. Once the work is approved for publication, the authors are to send a high-quality and unpublished photograph that depicts the content of the article, in jpg format, RGB and with minimal dimensions of 1024 x 768 pixels, attaching a letter ensuring their authorship.


21. Citation must use Harvard style, according to the following examples:

When there is a general reference to a work, it must include the author's last name, publication year and page in parenthesis: (Alberti, 2002: 39).

In case of two authors the format will be the following: (Rodríguez and García, 1998: 56); if there are more than two authors: (Sánchez et al., 2003).

In case of multiple works by the same author published in the same year, such references are to be listed in alphabetical order and differentiated with a small letter after the year. Examples:

o "La poesía no puede sacar partido del arrepentimiento, pues no bien se plantea este último, el escenario es interno" (Kierkegaard, 1992a: 79).

o "Un momento así exige tranquilidad, no debe ser perturbado por la re­flexión, ni pueden interrumpirlo las tormentas de la pasión" (Kierkegaard, 1992b: 100).

22. The reference list should contain the full information of the authors' works cited in the text, without including those which were not cited and avoiding more than 30% self-citations out of the total.

23. Information in the reference list is to be alphabetically and chronologically ordered. Avoid using capital letters without spaces. The authors' last names and names must be given in full, i.e., no abbreviations. See the following examples:

For books:

• Grize, Jean (1990), Logique et langage, Paris: Ophrys.

• Dogan, Matei and Pahre, Robert (1993), Las nuevas ciencias sociales: la marginalidad creadora, Mexico: Grijalbo.

For magazines or chapters of books:

• Giménez, Gilberto (2003), "El debate sobre la prospectiva de las ciencias sociales en los umbrales del nuevo milenio", in Revista Mexicana de Sociología, year 65, no. 2, Mexico: UNAM.

• Morley, David (1998), "Debate mediático: interpretando las interpreta­ciones de las interpretaciones", in Curran, James et al. [comps.], Estudios culturales y comunicación, Spain: Paidós Comunicación.

For web references, URL addresses must be provided along with consultation date.

Website (2017), Discurso sobre el origen de la desigualdad entre los hombres. Available at: [August 19th, 2017].


Ballesteros, Luis (2017), "El nuevo modelo de movilidad" [podcast], in Seminario Retos de la Movilidad Sustentable en la UNAM y la Ciudad de México, April 19th, 2017. Available at: October 2nd, 2018].

Youtube/Vimeo Video

Uniminuto Virtual y Distancia (2012), "La psicología organizacional" [online video]. Available at: [September 5th, 2017].


Forner, Stella (2018), "Montevideo Ambiente" [facebook], October 5th, 2018. Available at: [October 6th, 2018].

Newspaper printed article with author

Rodríguez, Miguel (2017), "Pescadoras de México navegan entre mareas de desigualdad", in El Universal, Mexico, p. 28.

Newspaper printed article without author

Una novela de generación espontánea (2018), in El País, Spain, pp. 37-39.

Online newspaper

Lezama, Rita (2018), "Harvard retira 31 estudios publicados por un famoso cardiólogo", in Clarín. Available at: [September 29th, 2018].

Electronic publication

Romero, Ernesto (2005), "Estudios sociológicos contemporáneos", in Sociología General, no. 35, Mexico: UNAM. Available at: [January 22nd, 2006].

Personal communication

Gutiérrez, personal communication, December 11th, 2014.

In the case of references (magazine articles, books, congress proceedings, software, videos, etcetera) which have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), it must be as follows:

• Mascheroni, Giovanna and Matoni, Alice (2012), "Electoral campaigning 2.0. The case of 2010 Italian Regional Elections", in Journal of Information Technology & Politics. DOI: 10.1080/19331681.2012.758073 Available at: [September 19th, 2012].

Review process

24. The reception of an article does not imply it has been accepted for publication.

25. All the submissions will be checked with specialized software for plagiarism detection.

26. The results of the analysis for plagiarism detection will be notified to the author, and their comments will be requested before determining whether it is a case of plagiarism. If the percentage of similarity with other text published is over 30%, it will be rejected and will not go on to the next stages of editorial review.

27. Collaborations will undergo an editorial review process in order to verify if they correlate with the focus and scope of the journal and comply with every indication stated.

28. Once the editorial review is accredited, a letter of originality will be signed for the formal register, thus beginning the process of academic review.

29. All articles will undergo this process under the modality of double-blind peer review. Reviewers will be selected from the panel of referees —which comprises specialists of national and international institutions—. It will be sent to two experts ascribed to institutions other than the authors'.

30. The decisions of the editorial review process will be: recommend its publication without modifications; recommend its publication when minor changes are done; condition its publication on the introduction of important changes; or not recommend its publication.

31. In case of discrepancy there will be a third review, which will be definitive.

32. The results of the academic review process will be unappealable in all cases.

33. Reviewers are the only responsible for revising changes made in the case of results which are to be resent.

34. The review process can be repeated up to three rounds per work; the article will be rejected if such limit is exceeded.

35. The authors have deadline of 30 natural days to make corrections.

36. Since Convergencia sends articles to a waiting list to be revised, the review processes will be carry out according to the submission date. The editorial committee of the journal will notify the authors as regards the progress of their work in the editorial and review processes and will answer any doubts. Authors are able to find out about such progress in the OJS platform.

37. Any unforeseen circumstance will be resolved by the editorial committee of the journal.


38. Once the work is approved to be published, the researcher(s) shall waive the license to use the first edition of the article to Convergencia Revista de Ciencias Sociales. Authors must send the editorial committee of the journal the license of use format with all the requirements previously filled in and signed by each and every the author. This format may be sent as pdf by e-mail.

39. Convergencia Revista de Ciencias Sociales allows authors to promote and disseminate their articles over social media, repositories, academic profiles and social networks after the publication in this journal, as long as it is clearly indicated that the work was published for the first time in Convergencia Revista de Ciencias Sociales.


Convergencia Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Open Journal Systems)


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© 2011 Convergencia. Revista de Ciencias Sociales
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados
Cerro de Coatepec s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, Toluca, Estado de México, México, Código Postal 50100,
Tels.: (01 722) 215 92 80 y 215 04 94