ISSN 2007-7521 |
Guidelines for presenting manuscripts:
Publishing Rules CienciaUAT The Journal CienciaUAT publishes original articles and bibliographical critical reviews of different scientific disciplines, grouped in the following areas: - Physical, Mathematics and Earth Sciences CienciaUAT is a multidisciplinary Journal with biannual periodicity (January-June and July-December), published by Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas. It aims to spread knowledge of different disciplines though the publication of original unpublished research, conducted by researchers of our higher education institution and all other national and international higher education institutions or research centers. The journal combines the highly scientific quality of the papers received with the quality of the editorial, format and presentation of the published material. The CienciaUAT Journal is indexed in Latindex since November 2009, in Ebsco since the 17th of June 2010, in Copernicus International since January 2013, in Periodica since the 31st of July 2013, and in Cab Abstracts from the March 22, 2013, in MIAR since November 15, 2013, Iberoamericana Activity from 16 November 2013 in Dialnet since December 5, 2013, AGRICOLA from December 12, 2013, in DOAJ since July 2014, in REDIB since July 2014, in Open Science Directory since August 2014, in Google scholar since September 2014 in Copac since Octuber 2014, in OCLC WorldCat since Octuber 2014, in Academia since December 2014, in ERIH PLUS since May 2015, Western Theological Seminary since September 2015, SHERPA/ROMEO since September 2015, ¿Dónde lo pubico? since September 2015, The Knowledge Network since September 2015, Scribd since September 2015, in SciELO-México since November 2015 and in Web of Science since November 2015. General considerations for publication The materials sent for evaluation to the Editorial Committee of the journal should be original, unpublished and not considered for publication simultaneously by other journals or editorial agencies. Manuscripts should have scientific quality and should be written in comprehensible manner, using clear and precise language and defining technical terms to facilitate comprehension of readers of other academic fields and levels. Manuscript should be in Spanish although the following sections should also be written in English: title, abstract, keywords, and captions on tables and figures. Authors are responsible for correct use of language, in both Spanish and English, in those sections. If the manuscript is not in Spanish, the author must ensure its correct translation before it is sent to the journal. Review process The manuscripts received are put through an editorial process that occurs in several stages. First, the manuscripts are submitted for a preliminary evaluation by the Director and/or Editor, and one of the members of the Editorial Committee, who will determine the suitability of the manuscripts for publication. Then, the manuscripts that comply with the focus and formatting requirements that appear in the publication guidelines are evaluated by at least two peer-reviewers, experts in the field of interest, to determine if the materials are appropriate for publication; in the case of discrepancy in the results of the reviewers, the manuscripts are sent to a third referee to reach the final decision. The manuscripts are submitted to a double-blind evaluation process in which the authors are unknown to the reviewers and vice versa. The result of the peer-review process is irrefutable. The manuscripts recommended for acceptance with minor or major revisions must comply with the revisions suggested by the reviewers before being considered for publication. Preparation of manuscript Overview Manuscripts must include a separate file that indicates: the complete name of the authors (initials must be avoided; surnames must be linked with a hyphen) affilation, postal address, telephone number and email of the corresponding author. The manuscript should be written in 12-point Times New Roman, spaced at 1.5, formatted into Letter page size (21.59 cm x 27.94 cm), page numbered, in MS Word, with 2.5 cm margins on every side. Rows should be numbered continuously to facilitate the evaluation process. The manuscript must be written in impersonal form. Acknowledgments must be included in the final part of the text and only for cases of monetary support. Manuscripts in the form of scientific manuscripts must have a maximum of 25 pages (including figures, tables, and appendices). Scientific notes must have a maximum of 15 pages; the revised versions must have a maximum of 20 pages (including figures, tables, and appendices). The number of authors of the manuscript should be in accordance to the quality and the quality of the work done and presented. An unjustified number of authors may cause the rejection of the manuscript. In case authors wish to include figures, tables, images or pictures, these should adhere to the following guidelines: Tables must be referenced in the text and should preferably be in color and placed towards the end of the manuscript, each image in a separate page. The text describing the figures must be drafted independently and not as part of the image. Figures should be additionally sent in separate file in jpg format (300 dpi or higher to ensure quality). In case of using maps, these should specify geographical coordinates indicating the area or place of study, adhering to the following format: 98°12'15'' W o 45°23'10'' N, as the case may be. Tables referenced in the text should be included at the end of the document in MS Word format and should not be included as images. Information in tables and figures should not be repeated in the text, except those that are necessary for the discussion of results. In the cases of accepted manuscripts, the corresponding authors may be required to send additional photographs and images to improve the final presentation of their articles. It is recommended that authors review their articles before submission to verify that manuscript comply with the editorial guidelines, taking as reference the "Self-evaluation for revised versions" or "Self-evaluation for editorial article and scientific note", located in the section of Format of CienciaUAT Journal´s Webpage ( This will ensure that the material meets the requirements and avoid delays in the evaluation process. The structure of articles and scientific notes The title must not exceed 150 characters, describing clearly the contents of the paper. It must be written in Spanish and English; should also suggest a short title for your research. The abstract must not exceed 300 words and it must also be written in Spanish and English. Of three to five keywords should be included in both, Spanish and English. The abstract must have a brief introduction, the objective or purpose, the methods used, main findings and a conclusion. The paper must also include: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and discussion (they may be separate), Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if necessary) and References. In the Introduction, the importance of the study must be presented with an updated review of scientific literature. The objective or purpose of the study must also be indicated. The Materials and methods section must include the experimental design, statistical method, methods of analyses and sources from which they were obtained or modified; as well as the ways in which the specimens of the study were obtained. In studies in which human subjects or animals are used, compliance to ethical norms of the institution must be indicated. The equipment mentioned has to include brand, model and origin (city and country). In the case of health studies, information should be made explicit about the research ethics committee that approved the research protocol and, if the study involved humans, information should be provided about the ways in which written informed consent was obtained. All procedures conducted in humans should conform to the ethical principles for human experimentation included in the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki. When experimentation or private property animals are used, the methods section should clearly indicate the adequate measures taken to minimize pain and discomfort. In cases in which experimentation animals are used, the methods section should contain a declaration that identifies the ethics revision committee that approved the work methodology. When using animals owned by individuals or clinical trials clients, must show that prior informed consent was obtained by explicitly expressing it in the manuscript, in the methods section. Experiments and clinical trials must conform to the directives established by the National Institutes of Health (NHI) in the US, in relation to the care and use of animals in experimental procedures; or to the directives of the Common European Council approved on the 24th of November, 1986 (86/609/EEC); and to the local and national laws and regulations. The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that raise doubts about the appropriate authorizations and procedures used. Results of research must be supported by recent scientific literature that demonstrates that the knowledge produced is new or innovated, and it is therefore recommended that at least 40 % of the citations used are of the last five years. Conclusions must emphasize the main achievements, in a concise and clear manner, avoiding the repetition of discussions of previous results. Structure of updated reviews The title must not exceed 150 characters, clearly describing the content of the paper, and written in Spanish and English. The abstract must clearly describe the subject matter reviewed, its importance and scope, and must not exceed 200 words. Three to five keywords must be included in both, Spanish and English. The text of the manuscript must contain a clear, broad review of the literature that allows a deep understanding of the topic described. An updated review must include more than 40 % of the published articles in the last five years. The content must be divided into sections, depending on the subject matter discussed. It is recommended that a section of Conclusions is included before the section of the References. Tables and figures must be included separately, at the end of the text. Declaration of no conflict of interests The authors must make a declaration indicating that the study involves no conflict of interest that might have influenced the results presented in the article, as well as a discussion of the interests and the conclusions reached. A conflict of interest may be associated with the funds received for the development of the study, that conditions the publication and interpretation of the results obtained, positive or negative. A conflict of interest may also emerge when an author or coauthors have affinity, working or personal relationships, or an adverse or spirited sentiment towards companies, institutions or groups directly affected or benefited by the published results. The decision to accept or reject the article will be based on the academic and scientific analysis of the materials, made by external referees, and will not be influenced by the declaration of possible conflict of interest on the part of the authors. CienciaUAT is committed to avoid conflicts of interest during the evaluation of the articles, requesting the editors and external referees that participate in the evaluation process, to declare if they consider that there is a conflict of interest in their process of evaluation, due to antagonisms with the area of research in the manuscript to evaluate (the evaluation is double-blind, the reviewers ignore who the authors of the article are and vice versa). Measuring units The units of scientific or laboratory data and their abbreviations should follow the international system described in Periods are not used in abbreviations (example kg, cm, ºC, ó m). References in the text All publications cited in the text of the article must appear in the section of references. The author must verify that the names of the authors and dates are exactly the same in the text and the list of references. The author must also make sure that all the elements of bibliographic references are included. It is the responsibility of the autor(s) to verify the correct spelling of the names of authors of cited works in articles or revisions. Citations or references inserted in the corresponding places in the text must be in parenthesis, contain the first surname of the author and include the year of publication. For example: (Núñez, 1983). In the case of two authors: (Núñez y Pérez, 1983). To indicate more than two authors: Núnez y col. (1982). In case of more than one reference, they should be separated with semi colon (Núñez y Pérez, 1983; Núnez y col. 1984). If there are two references of the same authors, to avoid confusion small letters are used: (Núñez y Pérez, 1983a; Núñez y Pérez, 1983b). Direct citations (text that is copied identical) must appear in quotations and in parenthesis the author, the year, and the corresponding page or pages. For example: (Núñez, 1982: 126); Núñez (1982) found that "The placebo effect disappeared when…" (p. 126). Interview quotes must appear according to the following example: Fuentes-Garcáa (2009; Personal communication). No references or notes should be included as footnotes. Avoid citing theses, manuals, book notes or any other hard to find material. References Bibliographic references should appear at theend of the articlein alphabetical order and suborder chronologically according to the APA format, with the following specifications: Scientific articles:
Periodical articles:
Book chapters:
Chapters of electronic books:
Articles of electronic journals exclusive internet:
Sites, pages and electronic books:
Reception of papers Manuscripts should be registered in CienciaUAT's platform in the following web address: Publication ethics Authors must declare in writing to the CienciaUAT Journa thatl their articles are unpublished and original, that the contents were produced by their direct intellectual contribution, and that they have proper authorization of coauthors for publication. Authors must agree not to submit the manuscript to another journal while in the review process by CienciaUAT, nor after the review process has be completed, if the manuscript is accepted for publication. The editorial committee members agree with the principles of the Committee for Publication Ethics (COPE). CienciaUAT does not tolerate plagiarism. All submitted manuscripts are screened to detect evidence of plagiarism (copying text or the results of other sources without giving the corresponding credits), and for evidence of self-plagiarism (duplicating a substantial part of a previous publication of the authors without giving references and submitting it as original result). A manuscript that results in a case of plagiarism is rejected, as well as any other material submitted by the authors in the future to this journal. Copyright The authors will grant the property rights to the journal so that the article and materials can be reproduced, published, edited, fixed, communicated and transmitted publicly in any form or means; distributed in the number of issues required; and communicated to the public in every modality, including electronic, optical or any other technological means; for exclusively scientific, cultural, disseminating and non-profit purposes. Open acces policy CienciaUAT allows free download of the whole journal in digital form from its Website. In addition, it is indexed in databases and directories that facilitate finding its scientific content, fostering consultation and downloading in electronic format. It also allows authors post their articles on their personal Web pages or in an open access repository; distribute copies of the article published in electronic or print format; and reuse a part or the full article in their other articles or books, citing the source. |
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© 2016 Centro Universitario Victoria, Adolfo López Mateos, edificio Centro de Excelencia 1er piso,
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