ISSN 0185-2523 |
Guidelines for presenting manuscripts:
Estudios de Historia Novohispana is a biannual journal published by the Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (National Autonomous University of Mexico) devoted to all fields of study related to Mexican Colonial history. It includes articles of original research and documentary testimonies, as well as critical reviews on publications of its subject. Manuscripts submitted to the Editor must not have appeared previously in another publication and should offer an original, relevant contribution on its field. All manuscripts will be subject to confidential review by two experts on the article's subject, and the Editorial Board reserves the right to request the author for changes or to reject the contribution. The Editor shall acknowledge receipt of contributions within fifteen days of having received them and will notify the author of the Board's decision within approximately four months. The author will be supplied with twenty offprints of the article and a copy of the journal. New contributions must be presented in letter-size paper, printed on one side; text should be double-spaced, font size 12 points. An electronic copy of the text on a Word format file, in an adequately labeled cd should also be included. Articles are accepted in English and Spanish only. Notes will be placed at the end of the article, double-spaced, font size 12 points, ordered consecutively. Bibliographical references to sources within the notes will be presented according to the following order: a) Books On first citation, reference will include author's first and last name, title (italicized), edition, translator, prologuist, editor, annotator, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, volume, number of pages, pages cited. Joseph de Acosta, Historia natural y moral de las Indias. En que se trata de las cosas notables del cielo, elementos, metales, plantas y animales dellas, y de los ritos y ceremoniales, leyes y gobierno de los indios, 2ª ed., ed., pról., notas y apéndices de Edmundo O'Gorman, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1962, CL-444 p., p. 11-20. Further references to same source will only include author's name, title and pages consulted. b) Articles On first citation, reference will include author's first and last name, title of article (hyphenated), journal title (italicized), place of publication, publisher, number or volume, year, pages, pages consulted. Antonio Rubial García, "Votos pactados. Las prácticas políticas entre los mendicantes novohispanos", Estudios de Historia Novohispana, México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, v. 26, enero-junio de 2002, p. 51-83, p. 74. Further references to same source will only include author's name, title of article and pages consulted. The format for archival citations is free, but an homogeneous system of reference must always be used. Tables, graphics, charts, maps and illustrations can be embedded in text or presented separately, with precise indication of placement in text and identification information. In the case of color and black and white illustrations, a minimum resolution of 300 dpi is required for the purposes of better reproduction. For outlined illustrations (such as maps), a minimum resolution of 1 200 dpi is required. All articles must be accompanied by a ten-line maximum abstract, a list of five keywords, and a curriculum vitae no longer than eight lines, including the author's academic degree, institutional affiliation, research interests, main publications, and e-mail address. Submissions not presented according to these guidelines will not be considered for publication. Toda correspondencia editorial deberá enviarse a: Estudios de Historia Novohispana |
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© 2014 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas
Circuito Maestro Mario de la Cueva s/n, Zona Cultural, colonia Ciudad Universitaria,
C.P. 04510,
México, Distrito Federal, México
Tel. (52-55) 5622-7514