ISSN 0187-358X
printed version


Notes for contributors to the journal:

Manuscript requirements:
Only research articles will be considered.
These should deal with original and/or innovative topics or new theoretical or methodological approaches to topics already discussed.

The methodology (implicit or explicit) should be consistent with and appropriate to the topic studied.
The conclusions must be the logical result of the arguments put forward.
The paper should contain the basic elements of a research article.
Bibliographic and/or electronic sources should be current, sufficient and pertinent to the topic under discussion.

Review process:
Only manuscripts that fulfill the above requirements will be accepted for publication.
Manuscripts will be reviewed by experts.
The process will be double blind.
The reviewers’ decision will be sent in writing to the author. When this is unfavorable, the author of the submitted manuscript can ask for reconsideration provided that sufficient argumentation is presented.

You can send critical reviews of recently published books in the areas of Library Science, Archival, Documentation and Information Science, with a maximum of 10 pages. All reviews will alternate the editorial committee for review and undergo specialized copyediting. Guidelines for the presentation of manuscripts
Articles are accepted in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
Manuscripts submitted should discuss topics related to archives, or library and information science. Papers on other disciplines will be considered provided they link into these main areas.
Papers should include a statement that the material has not and will not be submitted for publication elsewhere.
Publication of accepted manuscripts is guaranteed by our journal.
Manuscripts should adhere to the following requirements:

—Submission of an original plus an electronic copy in Word on a 3 1/2 diskette. Photocopies will not be accepted under any circumstances.
—Manuscripts can also be sent as an E-mail attachment.
—Papers with proof reading corrections will not be accepted.
—Graphs, drawings, photographs, etc., preferably of high resolution, should be presented on separate sheets and include precise instructions for insertion into the text.
—Manuscripts should be at least 15 pages (as specified above). Each page should have 28 lines and 65 keystrokes per line approximately.
—The first time an abbreviation is cited in the text or graphics it should be given in full.
All papers must include:
—Name(s) of author(s), position and institution.
—Postal address plus telephone, fax and E-mail numbers and other author contact information.
Papers must provide abstracts in Spanish and English with a maximum of 200 words each.
They should include keywords in both English and Spanish.
Footnotes and bibliographical references will be double spaced, and the complete bibliography will appear at the end of text.
Citations, bibliographical notes and bibliographies should contain the necessary elements to allow identification of the cited documents.
All papers must adhere to the rules of good writing.
All articles will be submitted to specialized proofreading.
The editors of the journal reserve the right to make the editorial changes they consider pertinent.
The CUIB is not committed to return submitted papers.

Manuscripts should be sent:

Revista Investigación Bibliotecológica: archivonomía, bibliotecología e información.

Chief Editor: Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas, Torre II de Humanidades, pisos 11, 12 y 13, Ciudad Universitaria, C. P. 04510. México, D.F., México.


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© 2010 Investigación Bibliotecológica - Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas - UNAM

Torre II de Humanidades, pisos 11, 12 y 13, UNAM,
Ciudad Universitaria, C.P. 04510,
México, D.F., México