ISSN 2007-0705
versión impresa



Guidelines for presenting manuscripts:

1. Exclusiveness:

The paper submitted must be unpublished and the authors are obliged not to submit it simultaneously to any other journal. Also, the authors must agree with the dissemination policies of the Data Basis the journal is indexed in. Any conflict of a legal, moral, ethical or of any other nature that may arise from the analysis of this aspect will be under the responsibility of the authors.

2. Work originality:

The paper must be the results or previews of original, high level research, performed within the margins of scientific disciplines.

3. Ethics:

It is the responsibility of the authors that during the process of the research and the submission of the paper to Nova Scientia, the ethical codes of their own institutions, as well as the universally accepted legal and ethical rules of work with human beings, animals and the environment, are fulfilled.

4. Arbitration Review:

With the intention to measure the quality, feasibility and scientific rigorousity of the submitted articles, the Editorial Board of Nova Scientia will review their pertinence before submitting them to the evaluation system called peer review that the experts do. This means that two external advisors will read and analyze the paper to determine the validity of its ideas and results, as well as its possible scientific impact. Following the traditions from different specializations, in the areas of Natural Science and Engineering a variation will be applied: an Open to referee variation, in which referees know the name of the author being evaluated; for the Human and Social Sciences the variation Double blind is a variation in which the anonymity of the evaluator and author is preserved. Generally, a publication is considered to be valid only when it has met the approval of both referees. In case of controversy, the Editorial Board will name a third referee who will perform the Authority function. The dif ferent situations hereby described will be solved firstly by the Journal Director and/or its Editorial Board. It is the uppermost intention of Nova Scientia to select the referees amongst the most competent individuals in the field of the work being evaluated.

5. Paper Characteristics:

5.1 The first page of the paper must include: the name of paper in Spanish and in English, preferably a brief one, without sacrificing clarity; a summary in Spanish and in English, with a maximum length of 450 words each; names of all the authors and their corresponding institutions, email address of each of them that must be added for correspondence purpose.

5.2 The paper must include at least four key words, but no more than five. The key words must be both in Spanish and in English.

5.3 The paper must have a maximum length of 5000 words, 2.5 cm margins, 1.25 cm tabs, 1.5 line spacing. A blank line must be left between paragraphs.

How to Get a Format File

5.4 Electronic file in PC system (Word) and tables in Excel for Windows or in Word with tabulator must be enclosed. As an exception, if authors are using a processor other than Word, the paper must be handed in PDF format before the judgment and, in that case, after approval.

5.5 Tables, maps and graphics must be handed in clear, precise originals and must include the source that should be included in the text as well.

5.6 Notes must be presented as footnotes, be written with single line spacing and progressive numbers and be included at the bottom of the corresponding page. The reference marks must be of numerical nature.

5.7 Quotes should be inserted within the text by opening a parenthesis that must include the last name of the author, the year and the page of the paper (for example: Villegas 1989, 63).

5.8 Bibliographical references must be in alphabetical order at the end of the text according to the author's last name. See the following examples:

One author:
Santos Ramírez, Leopoldo. (2004). Matrimonios de anglos y mexicanos en la frontera. Hermosillo: El Colegio de Sonora.

Two authors:
Brooks, Daniel R. y Deborah A. McLennan. (2002). The Nature of diversity: An Evolutionary Voyage of Discovery. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Chapter in the book:
Rozo, Carlos. (1999). Las cuatro paradojas de la globalización. En Globalización, industria e integración productiva en Sonora, compilado por Blanca Lara, Cristina Taddei y Jorge Taddei, 25-37. Hermosillo: El Colegio de Sonora, Universidad de Sonora, CIAD, A. C.

Paper in the journal:
Arzaluz Solano, Socorro. (2005). La utilización del estudio de caso en el análisis local. Región y sociedad XVII (32): 107-144.

Article in the newspaper:
Reforma. (2001). El precio oculto de la impresión: los consumibles. Costos que impresionan. 2 de abril.

Hernández, Silvestre. (2004). La trayectoria social de un productor cultural. Tesis de maestría en Ciencias Sociales, El Colegio de Sonora.

Castro, José Esteban. (2005). Agua urbana y lucha social en América Latina. Ponencia presentada en el XXV Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología, Porto Alegre.

Internet material:
Comisión Nacional del Agua. (2006). Programa playas limpias. (31 de enero de 2006).

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