1. Types of contributions.
The contributions are classified in research articles, review articles and short communications (research notes).
2. Categories of the contributions.
The categories covered by RMIQ are the following: Food engineering; Envirnmental engineering; Biotechnology; Catalysis, kinetics and reactors; Education; Sustainable development; Transport phenomena; Materials; polymers; Process engineering; Thermidynamics; Safety; Applied Mathematics as well as Simulation and control. When submitting your contribution, the correspondding category must be indicated. If this is not possible, it is the author’s responsibility to provide the adequate category of the contribution.
3. Languages of the contributions.
Spanish or English. It is recommended that the authors perform a careful revision of the correct use of language so that the reviewers evaluate the scientific merits of the work. The editors may reject any contribution that does not meet the standards.
4. Preparation of the contributions.
Use a word processor compatible with Microsoft Word 97-03 or Word 2007. The contributions may also be sent as a .pdf file before acceptance. However, if the contribution is accepted, it is the author’s responsibility to provide the corresponding Word file.
The manuscript must meet the following general characteristics:
• Font type: Times new Roman (In case of requiring a specific font, the author must mention it and, if it is the case, provide the corresponding font).
• Font size: 12 pt for the manuscript to be reviewed and 10 pt for the accepted manuscript.
• Spacing: single.
• Page margins: upper and lower 2.5 cm; left and right 2 cm. The indentations in the manuscript must measure 1 cm.
• Extension of the contribution: there is no limit in the number of pages. The cost of a printed page is MX $100.
• Each page must be numbered.
• The first page of the manuscript must include: Title of the work in English and Spanish, authors, affiliations, abstract and keywords in English and Spanish. The abstract must not exceed 200 words and at least 5 keywords must be provided. The corresponding author must be marked with a star and the affiliations with numbered superscripts.
• It is suggested that the contributions incorporate some of the following sections:
Introduction, Antecedents, Methodology, Materials, Results and discussion, Conclusions, Notation (This section is mandatory for contributions that include equations. The units must be expressed in the International System), Acknowledgements, References and Appendixes. In addition, each section can be divided in as many subsections as the author considers necessary.
• All equations must be numbered and typed using Mathtype or Office’s the equations’ editor. Equations as image files are not acceptable.
• Figures and tables must not be inserted in the text. However, the author can suggest a place for inserting each of them. At the end of the manuscript, a list of tables and figure captions must be provided.
• When referring to an equation in the manuscript, the following structure must be
used: Eq. (1) or eqs. (1)-(5). When referring to a figure, follow the same rule, for example: Fig. 1, or figs. (1)-(5).
• If one reference includes more than two authors, it must be referenced by mentioning the last name of the first author, followed by "et al." and the year of publication.
5. References.
It is the author’s responsibility to provide a list of complete references (including the title of the work and the numbers of the first and last pages) according to the following format. 
6. Tables and figures.
Tables and figures must be sent in an enclosed file to the manuscript; preferably as a Word file. Or, create a compressed file (.zip or .rar) that contains the files of figures and tables. Take into account that the size of the figures will be adjusted in the edition process in order to meet the printing margins. Thus, it is recommendable to create axes, charts; etc. sufficiently large in order to be readable even when the size is reduced. The acceptable extensions for the figures are: .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .eps and .pdf.
Tables must not have vertical. Tables as image files are not acceptable. |