ISSN 2007-1205
versión impresa



Guidelines for presenting manuscripts:


Trayectorias is a social sciences magazine of an academic nature published every six months. To fulfill its objectives, it opens spaces for the publication of unpublished articles, in Spanish or English, which are the result of high-level academic research in different fields of the social sciences and theoretical reflections or reviews that contribute to the original knowledge or generate relevant debates.


Respecting the style of every writer, we suggest: 1) the use of simple syntactic constructions, preferably brief paragraphs and a coherent articulation among theoretical depth, theoretical thoroughness and clarity in exposition; 2) the use of concise titles reinforced, if appropriate, by a subtitle that expands and point out the subject matter or the issue at hand.


1) Articles should be preceded by a summary of 80 to 100 words in English and Spanish; 2) articles must contain 5 key words; 3) the structure of the essay will be respected based on an introduction, subject development and conclusions; 4) the different headings and paragraphs will be appropriately marked by subtitles; 5) the use of the decimal system is recommended; 6) quotes shall be entered between quotation marks, not using italics; in the case of short quotations, these will remain within the corresponding paragraph; if the quotation contains more than four lines, it will be placed in a different paragraph with indented margins with no space in between and without quotation marks.


1) Papers must be submitted in Word format; 2) graphics must be supported elsewhere as jpeg (.jpg) or tiff (.tif) images with a 300 dpi resolution, in grayscale (b/w) using a file for each object. The magazine is published in black and white; therefore, color illustrations or graphics are not accepted. Charts and tables must include concise statistical information relevant to goals of the research. Charts and tables must be also supported in other files preferably in Microsoft Word. Each file must contain labeled with the type of object, consecutive number and page of location (graf02p13.jpg; mapa11p27.tif; fig08p32.jpg; tabla06p02.xls; etc.) The text should clearly indicate the place where each of these items must be inserted; 3) bibliography will be consigned to the end of the text based on the APA system; 4) bibliographic references within the text will follow the same system, therefore, these will not appear as footnotes; 5) footnotes will be limited to those necessary and will not be used for comprehensive comments.


Papers with a minimum of 20 sheets and a maximum of 30 will be accepted (36,000 and 50,000 characters including spaces), Times New Roman font size 12, double spacing, letter size.


1) The Editorial Committee of Trayectorias magazine will perform a prior assessment of the papers to verify that they meet the standards set by the magazine; 2) submissions that conform to these standards will be subjected to a double assessment by experts in the field. A third evaluator will be used if one is a negative result; 3) evaluators will always be attached to an institution different from that of the author; the information of authors and evaluators will be kept anonymous; 4) evaluations will be issued within 4 to 6 months and they will be released as follows: through publication, publication with the recommendations indicated and no publication; 5) authors will have 15 to 20 days to correct their work.


1) Works should be sent through e-mail or else in hard copy (saved in CD or USB), through courier service, by mail or personally delivered at the magazine's headquarters; 2) original works are not returned; 3) authors must sign a letter guaranteeing theirs is an original article, that it has not been submitted through any other editorial media; they will also sign an agreement for the cession of rights in order to enable the publication of the article through any written reproduction means; 5) the magazine reserves the right to make the necessary editorial changes; 6) authors will keep their copyrights; 7) no more than three authors will be acceptable for each work, if more, there will be an analysis to decide if the effort detected corresponds to the research; 8) authors must submit an academic-biographic review with a 10 line extension that includes a reference to their last two publications, academic degree, position and home institution as well as mailing address, e-mail and phone number.


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